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The SCIO Device - Advanced Training / Dispozitivul SCIO - Curs Avansati

SCIO International Romania in collaboration with the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania – Faculty of General Medicine, Anatomy Department
is pleased to present

The SCIO Device – Advanced Training 


Biofeedback of Internal and External Environmental Factors Analyzed via Bioresonance with the EDUCTOR/SCIO

credited by the Romanian College of Physicians with CME (Continuing Medical Education) credits

June 6 – 9, 2013
Budapest, Hungary

This activity has been accredited by “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania – Faculty of General Medicine, Anatomy Department. Participants are granted with Certificate of Participation issued by the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania.

Registration Rates
Early Bird Registration: 330 Euro
Register before or on April 15, 2013 and you will get a 25 Euro Gift Voucher* that you can use within this event to purchase any of the products of SCIO Intl’: brochures, manuals, training DVDs, accessories etc.
*The gift voucher is nominative, non refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Pre-Registration: 380 Euro
Registration fee covers access to conference program, coffee & lunch breaks.

Registration Deadline
We kindly ask you to register for the event until May 31, 2013 as there are a limited number of seats.

Registration Form
Participants are required to contact us via e-mail info@scioqxci.net or phone 0040 740 170 133 in order for us to send a Registration Form.

Venue & Accommodation
Park Inn by Radisson Budapest, Hungary
H-1138 Budapest Szekszardi str 16-18
A block of hotel rooms is available at a discounted rate. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel and refer to the course by name to receive the discounted rate. Reservations will be accepted on space availability.

Special Guest
Desire Dubounet/Prof. William Nelson

Join the most influential and inspiring complementary medicine practitioners and healthcare professionals who are shaping the future of Natural Medicine practice:

Dr. Oana Codruța Băcean Miloicov (Romania)
MD/PhD and internationally accredited biofeedback instructor.

Dr. Igor Četojević, MD (Cyprus)
Medical Doctor and acupuncturist, having a wide experience in Chinese Traditional Medicine, one of the leading SCIO practitioners and trainers.

Dr. Matthias Heiliger, MD (Switzerland)
Specialist in gynecology, obstetrics, balneology, endocrinology, laser surgery and thermo regulation. Successful SCIO trainer and practitioner.

Dr. Iosif Mezei, MD (Romania)
Headmaster of integrative Bioenergetic Medicine/Bioresonance with a vast work experience in bioresonance, acupuncture, chirobiofeedback, clinical phytobiofeedback, clinical homeopathy and osteopathy. SCIO practitioner since 1997.

Dr. Violetta Anninou, Ph.D. (Greece)
Doctorate in Integrative Medicine (candidate), Molecular Biologist, Holistic Nutritionist B. Sc. MSc, Ph.D., Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Member of QBAA.

Learning Resources
Our training materials to further enhance skills and knowledge are featuring self-learning resources like step-by-step manuals, user guides, studies & articles, conference and course DVDs for you to get more insight into the SCIO with some of the greats in the field from the comfort of your home.

Learning Opportunities
Among the many benefits of attending this event, attendants can register for a personal consultation session/individual one-to-one consultation workshop with one of our invited medical doctors. Sessions are for a fee and upon scheduled appointment. Requests are to be announced by email to info@scioqxci.net until May 31, 2013.

Technical Support
For the well functioning and best performance of your SCIO device and related software we are committed to provide technical assistance and support during the event. Technical check-up for your device is available on site upon scheduled appointment. Requests are to be announced by email to info@scioqxci.net until May 31, 2013.

Conference Vendor Information
Vendors may receive a table that's visited by attendees during arrivals, lunch, breaks and end of sessions the days of the conference. Tables are available to rent for 100 EUR per table/day or 250 EUR for the entire conference (4 days: June 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th). As the conference nears, we will be in touch with you regarding your table placement and other details. Please know that table purchases do not include conference registration. If you wish to attend the conference, you must register and pay separately.
Your location will be assigned by SCIO Intl’ and will be based on first come, first served. No Exceptions. The deadline to purchase a table is May 31, 2013.

General Information
58/A Lebedei St., Oradea, Romania
Phone: 0040 740 170 133
Fax: 0040 259 407 606
E-mail: info@scioqxci.net
Web: www.scioqxci.net

Should you need assistance for airfare arrangements, you may contact Mrs. Edit Varga at editvarga@hotmail.com.

Photographs or video are routinely taken of participants for advertisement and other purposes. By registering for the conference, you hereby grant the organizer permission to utilize photos of you taken at the conference for advertising purposes.

We are working towards making this event a productive one and we encourage all SCIO Users to attend.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any information you may need.
Do not miss this opportunity to learn and improve your work with the SCIO with our top international educators!

We look forward to welcoming you in Budapest,
SCIO International Romania

DISCLAIMER The SCIO is to be used as a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose any issue other than stress. Stress can come from many sources; this system uses many multimedia therapies to reduce stress. This device also measures client's electrophysiological reactivity which is another way to represent stress. Only a licensed healthcare practitioner can diagnose a client. The system is calibrated to measure the very fine and subtle electrical reactions to a group of biological and medical stressors. The sensitivity is set so fine so as to pick up the earliest sign of distress and issues related to distress. Therefore, the results might be below the client recognition. The readings should be evaluated by trained biofeedback technicians. Always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner. Always use additional tests or referrals. No claims other than stress detection and stre!
ss reduction may be made.


SCIO International România în colaborare cu Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş”, Timişoara, România – Facultatea de Medicină Generală, Departamentul de Anatomie


Dispozitivul SCIO – Curs Avansaţi 


Biofeedback-ul factorilor de mediu interni şi externi analizat prin biorezonanţă cu aparatul EDUCTOR/SCIO

creditat de către Colegiul Medicilor şi farmaciştilor din România cu puncte EMC (Educaţie Medicală Continuă)

6 – 9 iunie, 2013
Budapesta, Ungaria

Această activitate a fost acreditată de către Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş”, Timişoara, Romania – Facultatea de Medicină Generală, Departamentul de Anatomie. Participanţilor li se acordă Certificat de Participare eliberat de către Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş”, Timişoara, România.

Taxe inscriere
Pret promotional: 330 Euro
Pentru inscrieri inainte de sau in 15 aprilie, 2013, participantii vor beneficia de un Voucher Cadou* in valoare de 50 Euro pe care il vor putea utiliza in cadrul evenimentului la cumpararea oricarui produs al SCIO Intl’: brosuri, manuale, DVD-uri training, accesorii etc.
*Voucher-ul cadou este nominal, netransmisibil si nu poate fi schimbat pentru bani.

Taxa inscriere: 380 Euro

Taxa de inscriere acopera participarea la programul conferintei, pauzele de cafea si pranz.

Termen de inscriere
Va rugam sa aveti amabilitatea de a va inregistra pana la 31 mai, 2013 deoarece numarul de locuri este limitat.

Formular de inscriere
Participantii sunt rugati sa ne contacteze prin e-mail la info@scioqxci.net sau telefon 0040 740 170 133 pentru a le trimite Formularul de Inscriere.

Locatie & Cazare
Park Inn by Radisson Budapest, Hungary
H-1138 Budapest Szekszardi str 16-18
Camerele de hotel sunt disponibile la preț special. Rezervările se fac direct la hotel și se specifică numele cursului pentru acordarea reducerii. Rezervările vor fi acceptate în funcţie de disponibilitatea camerelor. 

Invitat special
Desire Dubounet/Prof. William Nelson

Alaturati-va celor mai influenti si motivanti practicieni si specialisti in medicina complementara care modeleaza viitorul practicii medicinii naturale:

Dr. Oana Codruța Băcean Miloicov (Romania)
Medic de specialitate medicina generala, Doctor in medicina si instructor biofeedback acreditat international.

Dr. Igor Četojević (Cipru)
Doctor in medicina si acupuncturist, avand o vasta experienta in medicina traditionala chineza, unul dintre practicienii si instructorii SCIO de top.

Dr. Matthias Heiliger (Elvetia)
Medic de specialitate ginecologie, obstetrică, balneologie, endocrinologie, chirurgie laser si termoreglare. Practician si instructor SCIO de success.

Dr. Iosif Mezei (Romania)
Medic primar de medicina generala/medicina de familie cu o vasta activitate in acupunctura, biorezonanta, homeopatie, chiroterapie, psiho-oncologie, posturologie, osteopatie. Doctor in Stiinta Medicina Alternativa, practician QXCI/SCIO din anul 1997.

Dr. Violetta Anninou, Ph.D. (Grecia)
Doctorat in Medicina Integrativa (candidat), Biolog molecular, Nutritionist holistic, Specialist biofeedback certificate, Membru a QBAA.

Resurse de studiu
Materialele noastre pentru imbunatatirea abilitatilor si cunostintelor cuprind resurse de auto-invatare precum manual de utilizare, studii & articole, DVD-uri de instruire pentru acumularea de cunostințe de la cei mai buni din domeniu.

Oportunitati de invatare
Printre numeroasele beneficii datorate participarii, participantii se pot programa la o sesiune de consultatie personala/sesiune individuala de la persoana la persoana cu unul dintre medicii invitati. Sesiunile sunt contra cost si se fac pe baza de programare. Programarea se anunta prin email la info@scioqxci.net pana la 31 mai, 2013.

Suport tehnic
Pentru buna functionare si performanta a dispozitivului dvs. SCIO si a soft-ului aferent, ne angajam sa asiguram asistenta si suport tehnic pe durata evenimentului. Verificarea tehnica
a dispozitivului dvs. se face la fata locului pe baza de programare. Programarea se anunta prin email la info@scioqxci.net pana la 31 mai, 2013.

Stand pentru vânzarea de produse
Vanzatorii pot beneficia de o un stand (masa) care este vizitat de catre participanti la venire, pe durata pauzelor de pranz sau cafea si la incheierea sesiunilor. Inchirierea este 100 EUR pe masa/zi o sau 250 EUR pe durata intregii conferinte (4 zile: 6, 7, 8, 9 iunie). Mentionăm ca inchirierea unei mese nu include inscrierea la acest eveniment.
Taxa de participare la curs se achita separat.
Locatia mesei dvs. se va stabili de catre SCIO Intl’ si se va baza pe primul venit, primul servit. Fără excepţii. Termenul limita de achizitionare este 31 mai, 2013.

Informatii generale
Str. Lebedei nr. 58/A, Oradea, România
Tel: 0040 740 170 133
Fax: 0040 259 407 606
E-mail: info@scioqxci.net
Web: www.scioqxci.net

In cazul in care aveti nevoie de asistenta pentru planificarea zborului dvs., o puteti contacta pe Dna. Edit Varga la editvarga@hotmail.com.

Evenimentul este filmat si se fac fotografii in mod regulat pentru scopuri publicitare. Prin inscrierea la curs, sunteti de acord cu utilizarea de catre organizator a fotografiilor dvs. din cadrul evenimentului in scopuri publicitare. 
Pentru informatii suplimentare, nu ezitati sa ne contactati.
Nu pierdeti oportunitatea de a invata si de a va perfectiona in utilizarea dispozitivului SCIO impreuna cu profesorii nostri de top!

Va multumim si va asteptam,
SCIO International Romania

DECLINARE DE RĂSPUNDERE    Sistemul SCIO trebuie utilizat ca un sistem universal electrofiziologic de biofeedback. Este conceput pentru detectarea și reducerea stresului. Dispozitivul nu oferă diagnostic, depistând doar existența stresului. Stresul poate avea diferite cauze; acest sistem utilizează diferite terapii multimedia pentru reducerea stresului. Acest dispozitiv măsoară de asemenea reactivitatea electrofiziologică a corpului, fiind o altă modalitate de reprezentare stresului. Doar un cadru medical licențiat poate diagnostica. Sistemul este calibrat pentru a măsura reacțiile fine și subtile ale corpului uman la un grup de factori de stres biologici și medicali. Sensibilitatea este setată extrem de fin, astfel încât permite captarea celor mai timpurii indicii ale existenței factorilor de stres. Astfel, este posibil ca rezultatele să nu fie percepute de către pacient la nivel conștient. Rezultatele trebuie evaluate de către personal calificat. Con!
sultați-vă întotdeauna cu un terapeut din domeniul sănătății. Utilizați întotdeauna teste sau recomandări suplimentare. În cazul acestui dispozitiv, nu se poate face altă afirmație decât detectarea și reducerea stresului.

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